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Rosina Papantonio, age 69 of Atlanta, Georgia passed away Friday July 28, 2017. Georgia Cremation is assisting the family with simple cremation. Georgia Cremation 3570 Buford Highway Suite 202 Duluth, Georgia 30096.
Joanna Cristalli says
Sending thoughts and prayers to Rosina’s family. She was a good person and will be missed.
Frank Cristalli says
Condolences to the entire family. We loved Rose and she will be missed!!!
Cristalli Family
Suzanne Krupskas says
Rosina was an amazing advocate for living life to the fullest. Her devotion and dedication in reaching out and helping patients with rare diseases will always and forever be imprinted in who she was…a philanthropist.
Rest in peace. You will be missed by all!
Our condolences to Rhonda & family,
Suzanne and Bob Krupskas
Steve Levine says
Condolences to Rhonda, Michael and others among her family and closest friends for whom Beebe was always an angel in their lives. You’ll now have an Angel advocating for you at God’s right hand and as you’ve experienced all your lives, even if He doesn’t need it, God will now have a fierce friend watching His back. On Friday, a light went out for all those who knew & loved Beebe, but no doubt that 1000 watt smile and personality is making Heaven a brighter, happier place.
Thanks for the opportunity to know you, Beebe.
With love,
Steve Levine
Ron Resnikoff says
So sad to lose a great friend. Rosina was the bravest person I’ve known. Her lessons on life and living left a rich legacy. Condolences to Rhonda, Michael and your entire family.
Linda and Joe Cristalli says
Our sincerest sympathies to Rhonda, her family and the Papantonios. Rosina was an amazing person, a force to be reckoned with. We were out of touch for years, with much water under the bridge, but were grateful to have reconnected with her when our brother John passed in 2014. Rose was so gracious and helpful to us in our time of need. We are flooded by so many memories of fun, crazy, and, sometimes, even scary times with Beebe. But etched in our minds and hearts will always be that beautiful woman with the gorgeous smile ready to stand up at any moment and fight for whatever she believed in. No doubt the world is already a bit duller without her. God bless you Rosina and grant you peace.
Love, Linda and Joe Cristalli
Mona Kornberg says
Rosina was my inspiration, my hero. She was with me during my darkest moments as I went through my own cancer experience. She made me feel I was invincible, that I am not my cancer and I can and will beat it. She and I would spend hours talking and laughing and I always felt that much stronger after our conversations. Rhonda I know you my entire Gaucher journey. You have been nothing but caring and very benevolent. I wish for you and your loved ones gentle days ahead filled with warm wonderful memories to embrace the love you shared with Rosina, as I know how much she loved you as she would always talk about you with such regard and admiration not only as her sister but as her friend. Rosina was a very helpful individual who would do whatever it took to help the Gaucher community and regardless of her own battles she forged ahead with an inner fortitude and smile so that others could forge ahead with theirs. I will always hold a special place in my heart for her and for you. With the highest regard.
Cookie Jenkins says
My sincere condolences to Rosie’s family. I believe this is the Rosie that I knew many years ago for many years. she was at my wedding if this is the Rosie that was married to JC Cristalli could somebody please let me know if it is her cuz I’ve been looking for her and I’ve also been looking for JC I know they were divorced or separated but my condolences to this Rosie please let me know if if I’ve lost my friend Rosie. She used to live in Gulf Breeze, Fl.
Christine M Lembo says
Its been 4 years now i miss her every day your birthday was this month happy Birthday my beautiful friend i miss all the great times we had for 35 years or more we i know your with God i will hold you in my heart till i see you again with all my heart you will live on inside me peace ❤