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Anmiell Medina, a devoted husband, father, and friend, passed away on September 9, 2024, at the age of 71, in Fayetteville, GA. Born in Manhattan’s Lower East Side, Anmiell grew into a kind-hearted leader, leaving an indelible mark on those who knew him.
A proud family man, Anmiell cherished moments with his loved ones. He is survived by his loving wife, Neris Medina; daughter, Hilda Torres and Anivar Torres his son-in-law; brothers, Louis and Stevie Medina; and grandchildren, Leiyah & Amelia Medina, AJ Saintil, Nathaniel & Jonas Torres.
Preceding him in death were his parents, Luisa and Isabelo Medina, and his son, Anmiell Medina Jr.
Anmiell’s life was marked by dedication and service. He spent over 20 years with UPS, forging lifelong friendships around the country and different countries around the world while earning the respect of his colleagues. Off the clock, Anmiell coached Little League baseball in New Jersey, earning the coveted Coach of the Season award.
A man of simple pleasures, Anmiell enjoyed a good Cuban Cigar, deep-sea fishing, watching sports, and scouring flea markets for hidden gems. He also cherished visiting the Dominican Republic, immersing himself in its vibrant culture, and spending quality time with his in-laws, who became like a second family to him. Anmiell was a history buff and enjoyed engaging conversations about politics and culture, always eager to share his insights and learn from others. Additionally, he enjoyed driving hours to find a good seafood restaurant, his passion for fresh and delicious food led him to explore new places. His sharp wit and sarcastic humor brought joy to those around him. Anmiell’s selfless nature and willingness to help others in need inspired countless people.
A passionate NY Giants & Mets fan, Anmiell also enjoyed cooking, and moving to the rhythms of salsa music, particularly Grand Combo and Marc Anthony. His signature phrase, “Come on!” will be deeply missed.
Family and friends will gather to celebrate Anmiell’s life:
Funeral Mass: St. Phillip Benizi Catholic Church,
591 Flint River Rd, Jonesboro, GA 30238
September 27, 2024, at 11:00 a.m.
Memorial Service: Immediately following the Mass, in the church’s hall.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to a charity of your choice in Anmiell’s honor, or you can donate to the GoFundMe set up for Mrs. Neris Medina.
Rest in peace, Anmiell. Your love, laughter, and legacy will forever be cherished.
Anmiell Medina (2 de junio de 1953 – 9 de septiembre de 2024)
Anmiell Medina [Emio], un dedicado esposo, padre y amigo, falleció el 9 de septiembre del 2024, a la edad de 71 años, en Fayetteville, GA. Nacido en el Lower East Side de Manhattan, Anmiell creció para convertirse en un líder de corazón bondadoso, dejando una marca inolvidable en aquellos que lo conocieron.
Un hombre orgulluso de familia, Anmiell atesoraba momentos con sus seres queridos. Lo sobreviven su amorosa esposa, Neris Medina; su hija, Hilda Torres yerno Anivar Torres; sus hermanos, Louis y Stevie Medina; y sus nietos, Leiyah & Amelia Medina, AJ Saintil, Nathaniel & Jonas Torres.
Fallecieron antes que él sus padres, Luisa y Isabelo Medina, y su hijo, Anmiell Medina Jr.
La vida de Anmiell estuvo marcada por la dedicación y el servicio. Pasó más de 20 años con UPS, forjando amistades de por vida al rederor del pais y diferente paises del mundo, ganando el respeto de sus colegas. Fuera del horario laboral, Anmiell entrenó béisbol de Little League en Nueva Jersey, ganando el codiciado premio de Entrenador de la Temporada.
Un hombre de placeres sencillos, Anmiell amaba la pesca en alta mar, un buen cigarro, ver deportes y buscar tesoros ocultos en mercados de pulgas. También atesoraba visitar la República Dominicana, sumergirse en su vibrante cultura y pasar tiempo de calidad con sus cuñados, que se convirtieron en una segunda familia para él. Anmiell era un apasionado de la historia y disfrutaba de conversaciones sobre política y cultura, siempre ansioso por compartir sus ideas y aprender de otros. Además, disfrutaba conducir horas para encontrar y disfrutar de un buen restaurante de marisco, su pasión por la comida fresca y deliciosa lo llevaba a explorar nuevos lugares. Su ingenio agudo y su humor sarcástico trajeron alegría a aquellos que lo rodeaban. Su voluntad de ayudar a los demás en necesidad inspiraron a innumerables personas.
Un apasionado fanático de los NY Giants & Mets, Anmiell también disfrutaba cocinar, y escuchar musica de salsa, en particular Grand Combo y Marc Anthony. Su frase característica, “Come on!” será siempre profundamente extrañada.
La familia y amigos se reunirán para celebrar la vida de Anmiell:
Misa fúnebre: Iglesia Católica St. Phillip Benizi,
591 Flint River Rd, Jonesboro, GA 30238
27 de septiembre de 2024, a las 11:00 a.m.
Servicio conmemorativo: Inmediatamente después de la misa, en el salón de la iglesia.
En lugar de flores, se pueden hacer donaciones a una organización benéfica de su elección en honor a Anmiell.
Descansa en paz, Anmiell. Tu amor, risa y legado serán atesorados para siempre.
Ramona says
Querida Neris y familia: Enmio siempre fue ub hombre muy cariñoso y respetuoso conmigo. No me olvido de las tasiras de cafe que preparaba cuando los visitaba. Ahora sabemos que esta von nuestro Dios y en paz, sin enfermedad.
Yo tambien naci y me crie en la ciudad de Nueva York y
tenia una conexion con
especial con el. Mi oraciones estan con toda la familia y edpecial para Neris mi querida amiga.
Danny Carpenter says
My Condolences the Medina Family! We use to enjoy a good cigar together he would be surely miss. RIP my brother🙏🏿
Jacky Hernandez says
Mis más grandes condolencias para ti y Deris y para toda tu familia y q Dios lo reciba en su santo seno.
Q descanse en paz nuestro hermano en cristo.🙏🏼
Danny lopez says
My prayers are with the Mendina family. Always a great friend. I will miss you. 🙏
Rafael Morales says
Anmiell will be missed 😢 our condolences 🙏 too the Mendina family. Me and my brother Edwin Morales grew up with Anmiell back at 280.lots of memories and fun times. RIP 🙏 my friend. God bless you 🙏
Chris Farfan says
My idol and my friend who taught me everything about the business when he did not have to in 1993. He would send me and Anmiell jr. to watch the knicks at the garden. I will always remember him and miss him dearly. My condolences to his family.
Mejia Vega Families (Morena) says
My deeply condolences to Enmiell (Emeo)’s family, we really feel his lost. Because he was a very special, good friend and a lovely person. 🙏🙏
Angela Crist says
My deepest condolences for family. May his laugh and kindness always be remembered.
Margarita. Raposo says
Siempre lo recordaremos. Tanto yo como mis hijos. Fue un gran ser humano. Siempre alegre. Recuerdos cuándo nos ayudabas en el. Salón de. Bellezas. Dios lo tengas en su. Glorias mi mayor condolencias a todas las familias. Mari y LALY se que están muy dolidas. Dios me le de fortalezas
Elizabeth Hernandez says
Mis más sentido pésame para neris y toda su familia , en paz descanse su alma , nos unimos en Oración por ustedes 🙏 y que brille para el la luz perpetua 🙏
Martin paulino says
Martín paulino.
Pido al Dios de la vída y el amor derrame bendiciones sobre la familia, para que puedan aceptar los designios del señor.
Paz a su alma.
Azam Aziz says
I met Anmiell in 1987 when he came from Able Courier to Choice Courier we immediately be came good friends and later on in life I met his late son Anmiell JR .
Anmiell was very friendly with high spirit he was like a brother to me he used to cook for me I have many memories with him the best one is I took a trip on the boat to catch Blue Fish that was the first time in my life a took a boat ride to go fishing with him he loved fishing which was his passion he caught 15 fish that night he was very happy and excited he gave me 5 Blue fish this trip is the best memories I had with him which we always talked about it and I made him laugh when I got seasick Anmiell will be missed but he is with Jr May his soul rest in peace .
Michael McLeish says
I first met Anmiell over 30 years ago. We worked together, shared good food and had many laughs. Anmiell was a very special and passionate friend. He will truly be missed. My condolences to his family. 🙏RIP