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Antje Williams, 58, of Seale, AL passed away Sunday, February 27, 2022 at her home. A Visitation celebrating her life will be held from 5:00 until 7:00 pm, Friday, March 4, 2022 at Homewood Suites by Hilton, 6614 Whittlesey Blvd. Columbus, GA.
Mrs. Williams was born February 24, 1964 in Dortmund, Germany, the daughter of Klaus-Jurgen Woydt and Erika Sellers Woydt. She grew up in Germany and married Darrell Lee Williams on May 10, 1985, while he was stationed there with the United States Army. They were eventually located to the United States and retired in 1995 to Seale, AL. Mrs. Williams was a member of two German social clubs who thoroughly enjoyed her company and cakes. She loved her German Shepherds and cats, and her flowers. Mrs. Williams never met a stranger.
Mrs. Williams is survived by her husband, Darrell; two daughters, Sarah Ware and Laura Williams; four sisters, Angela, Sabine, Dagmar and Kerstin; three grandchildren, Alden, Kobe and Everest.
In lieu of flowers, contributions in memory of Mrs. Williams may be made to the American Cancer Society online at
Georgia Cremation – Columbus is assisting the family with arrangements.
Margit Smalls says
My deepest condolences to the family!!
I will miss her so much!
Meike Smith says
So sorry for your loss.
I will always remember her ♥️
Karla Pfaff says
My deepest Condolences to the family . I will miss her so much.
Petra Henderson says
Antje, it has been an honor to be your friend. I will miss you dearly but I know you are in a better place and I will see you again. My prayers go out to your family and friends. I will always keep you in my memories and my heart.
Marsha B says
Iam so sorry . she was the sweetest love her smile I will never forget that smile she always had.
Monika Wrigh says
I will never forget your smile we laughed and cried together you will stay in my heart forever our heartfelt sympathy to you Darrell and your family.
Helga Stow says
With thoughts of sympathy,
When you lose somebody very special as Antje no one else can really know all that you feel, but now that many caring thoughts are which you in this time of sorrow! Dear Antje I will miss you my friend!
Silvana Santiago says
It was a pleasure to knowing you and so long I live I will never forget you . You had soo much strength in you even with your cancer and you never complained ore gave up . And she always had a kind word to say . I will miss you . My Condolences to the Family near and far .
Brigitte Denson says
We will all miss you my friend, your strength, your kindness, your friendship, your laughs and your everlasting faith in people. My heart goes out to your family, I can’t imagine the emptiness they feel. Until we meet again. Moin, moin
Siegfried Balk says
Ruhe in Frieden Antje! Wir werden Dich nicht vergessen! 🇩🇪
Rest in Peace Antje ! We will never forget you ! 🇺🇸
Andrea Kuykendall says
My deepest condolences to you, Darrell, Sarah and Laura. Antje was the best friend anyone could ever have. She will be missed by many. Antje, rest in peace until we will see each other again, moin, moin.
Blaylock Iris says
I am so sorry for your loss. She was the sweetest and kindest person and brought a smile to everybody’s face. She will be greatly missed
Renate J. West says
When I met Antje the first time, I was delighted that we were both born in Dortmund, Germany. She always had a smile on her face. Her fight was very long, yet she just kept going with incredible resilience and strength. Gone way to soon, she will be missed dearly. My condolences to her husband, and to her family here and in Germany.
Nadja says
Moin Antje!
There are no goodbyes for us, you will forever be in our hearts.
Ingrid Elmore says
Antje, you are gone from our sight, but never from our memories! Thank you for your kindness and friendship! An awesome person showing incredible strength! Loving life! We will miss you!
My deepest sympathy goes to Darrel, Sarah and family here and abroad!
Moni Bush says
Dear Antje! I am so glad we talked one more time. I will miss you like crazy and never forget you. In my heart you will live on until we meet again my friend. My deepest condolences go out to Darrell, Sarah, Laura and family. I love you all! ❤️
Kerstin Brooks says
My Condolences to her Family.She was such a lovely Lady.
Loock Manuela says
Manuela Loock
Am Ende wird alles gut. Wenn es nicht gut ist,ist es auch noch nicht das Ende.
Im Gedanken an einen liebenswerten Menschen.
Ruhe in Frieden Liebe Antje.
Ich werde dich nie vergessen.
Michaela Walther Posley says
Antje jetzt erhellst du den Hummel mit deinem ansteckenden Lachen! Ich bin so froh, dass wir noch geschnackt haben. Ich druecke und habe dich so lieb! My condolences to the family!
Wolfgang Walther says
Liebe Antje
ich wünsche dir eine gute Reise in die Erlösung, die du dir verdient hast. Lebe wohl und ruhe in Frieden!
Mein herzliches Beileid und viel Kraft der Familie!
Ulrike Grabbert says
Meine liebe Freundin Antje,
ich gönne dir ja die Ruhe aber du wirst mir trotzdem fehlen.
Ich werde dich niemals vergessen.
Wenn ich das nächste mal auf der Terrasse frühstücke , denke ich an unser gemeinsames frühstücken.
Ruhe in Frieden und schau deinen Lieben von deinem ganz besonderen Stern zu.
Ich wünsche der ganzen Familie ganz viel Kraft in dieser so schweren Zeit.
Es tut unendlich weh.
Marco Walther says
Liebe Antje, wir werden uns wieder sehen! Grüße unsere Lieben, die voraus gegangen sind!
Ganz viel Kraft der Familie für die kommenden Stunden!
Jasmin Thierer says
Liebe Antje. Starke Frau! Du hast nie aufgegeben. Ich werde dich nie vergessen! My deepest condolence to the family.
Sue Whitaker says
So sorry to hear about your loss. She was such a caring person. I can see her smile now. Darrell you and the girls will miss her dearly. Just remember she’s with Jesus now and you’ll join her again when God calls you home also. I’ll continue to pray for you all.
Martina Heines says
Liebe Antje,
leider ist immer etwas dazwischen gekommen,das wir uns persönlich gesehen haben,aber am Telefon und über Facebook hatten wir Kontakt durch deine Schwester Angela.
1000 Mal gesprochen und leider nie gesehen.
Rest in Peace 🙏😘
Linda Norris says
My heart goes out to you on the loss of your sweet wife. Mother and grandmother. She was a special lady and will be missed by many. You are in my prayers.
Petra Glover says
Liebe Antje – ich bin froh das wir noch einen schönen Nachmittag zusammen hatten- ich werde dich vermissen!
My condolences to the family- she will be missed!
Kathrin und Michael Woydt says
Liebe Antje, wir haben bisher unser Leben immer irgendwie miteinander verbracht. Als Kinder enger, später haben uns unsere Lebensläufe räumlich getrennt aber immer verbunden. Viele gemeinsame Erinnerungen gehen mir durch den Kopf. Ich vermisse dich!
Nach deinem schweren Kampf wünsche ich dir jetzt Ruhe und Frieden. Deinen nahen Angehörigen viel Kraft, diesen Verlust zu ertragen.
Mach et jut
Judith says
Die letzten beiden Wochen waren schön, traurig, intensiv und prägend..
Du wirst mir so fehlen.
Rosie McFarland says
My deepest sympathy to the family during this time of sorrow. Antje will be greatly missed.
rest in peace.
Christa Plocica says
Sharing in your sadness and sending healing prayers and comforting hugs. Antje will be missed.
Annie says
Ich habe Dich vor vielen Jahren mit meinem Mann zusammen hier in Deutschland kennengelernt! Du hast unser Herz im Sturm erobert. Wir hielten regen Kontakt ab da. Es gab für mich leider auch über Jahre eine dunkle Zeit und obwohl Du selber schwer krank warst, warst Du auch an meiner Seite, bis ich vor selbst meinen geliebten Mann vor 7 Monaten an Krebs verloren habe. Ich werde Dich nie vergessen, Du wundervolle starke Frau. Du wirst immer in meinem Herzen sein, ich liebe Dich.
Michaela Howard says
My deepest sympathy is going out to the family. I will pray that you find comfort in the many cherished memories you have. Antje taught us to be courageous, strong and so delightful. She is a role model. Antje, you are in the arms of Jesus. Rest in peace.
Sherrie and Jim Henderson says
Antje, may GOD hold you in the palm of his hand. We will miss you.
Alexandra Hausmann-Borrero says
My HERO, rest in peace.
Klaus Seevers says
Ihr Lieblingscousin hat seine Lieblingscousine verloren. Gerne erinnere ich mich an die vielen gemeinsamen Tage als Kinder als Antje bei uns in Stubben oft in den Sommerferien ein paar Wochen war. Das Spielen auf dem Bauernhof oder meine gemeinsam geschrottete Seifenkiste. Wir haben sehr viel Spaß gehabt.Jetzt ist es nur noch schöne Erinnerung, die ich nicht missen möchte. Ich hatte mich so gefreut, sie wollte uns dieses Jahr noch besuchen wenn sie in Bremerhaven gewesen wäre. Wir vermissen eine tolle und starke Frau. Unser Beileid gilt ihrer ganzen Familie.
Klaus und Heike Seevers