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10/23/49 – 8/14/21
Chris was born in Michigan on October 23rd, 1949 and lived a full and enriched life. He moved extensively in his early years from Michigan to Greece, to Portugal to Florida before settling in Georgia. Chris graduated from the University of South Florida and moved to Columbus in 1971 after Naval Flight School. He, along with his partners, originally opened the Speakeasy on 18th Avenue where pita bread was first introduced to Columbus. The Speakeasy is known as a place where families and friends can enjoy good food and good company. Over time, Chris had three restaurants, with the Speakeasy being the star.
Chris was a major player in the uptown revitalization serving on many boards throughout the years.
Chris lived an active life and was an avid exerciser. He enjoyed walking in the early mornings, riding his bike, flying his airplane, and working with plants. He loved talking with family, friends, neighbors and traveling. He loved his work and his employees.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Frank Losonsky, the last living member of the Flying Tigers, and his mother Nancy Trefry Losonsky. He is survived by Toni, his wife of over 50 years and the love of his life, and by his two brothers Terry and Philip Losonsky. He will be greatly missed by not only his family, but also by all those he had touched so profoundly.
The family is being assisted by Georgia Cremation-Columbus 7500 Veteran’s Parkway Suite A Columbus, GA 31909. The family request that you please sign the online registry and leave condolences below.
Bobbi Vickery says
Mr. Chris was one of the kindest people I’ve ever known. It has been a privilege to work for him these past 2 1/2 years. Thank you Mr. Chris for helping me out when I needed it and always being so kind and generous. We all miss you so much.
Kelly Carmoega says
Even though I only worked for you 5 months, you were one.of the kindest, sweetest, and loving person. You will be missed by so many!
Jennifer Galloway says
Mr. Chris you will be missed. You were a kind person and great boss.
Dudley Wells says
I, like many in Columbus, only knew Chris via his restaurants. Working at CB&T downtown for over 25 years, I ate hundreds of lunches and
had many meals catered by his restaurants.
I felt like I knew him, Toni, Phil and the folks that worked there.
All could be counted on to deliver great food and great service.
Above all that, I actually felt like he (and Toni) were friends.
May the peace Christ of Peace surround the family.
Katie Ellis says
Mr. Chris was an incredible man, and such a pleasure to work for. To say he will be missed is an understatement, but he will truly be missed around the world. Sending positive energy to all his loved ones 💜
Marilyn Beebe Mullennax says
Chris was a hardworking and great gentlemen that will truly be missed by all.My condolences to the family.Thank you for many great years of food and memories.Fly high and enjoy those margaritas in heaven.
Susan Thompson says
The world has lost another great man! I feel blessed to have known Chris & Toni & Phil for the majority of my life! Heaven is richer with Chris! My prayers out to the family!
Kara Kasnias says
Dear Toni,
My heart breaks for you. I am so sorry for your loss. Chris was such a great guy and loved by so many. You two created such a great life but stayed the same loving, kind and caring people you were from the beginning. May all your memories hold you tight and may God comfort you and give you strength.
Love and prayers from Kara and Ken Kasnias ♥️🙏♥️🙏♥️
Steven Sandlin says
Chris was an amazing person. I’ve worked with him over the past 10 years he truly will be missed his presence in the kitchen to him holding his lemonade. Words can describe how wonderful he was r.i.p Chris
Cheyenne says
Mr Chris was an amazing boss and just all around awesome person! He would give the shirt off his back if you told him you truly needed it. I loved working for him at Speakeasy and always knew that it was more than a job for him, we were all his family ❤️ My heart goes out for Mrs Toni and Mr Phil through this loss as well as everyone who knew the amazing man Mr Chris really was. Rest In Peace Sir, your big welcoming smile will be missed by so many in the community.
Ian Halley says
I had the pleasure to join Part IV back in November of 1996. Over the past 25 years, you have become my second father. We’ve discussed everything from management styles, politics, marriage and of course our dining out experiences. One of the best dinners I’ve ever had was at McGuire’s while we we both in Destin. I remember it like it was yesterday. I’ve spent half my life working for and with you. Words simply cannot express the love and admiration I have for you and Toni. You were truly an honorable man and wonderful boss. Your words of encouragement have rang true. I have come a long way in life, personally and professionally and I want to say thank you. I wouldn’t be where I am if I hadn’t crossed paths with you on this journey we call life. Until we see each other again, cheers my friend.
Patricia Sikking says
You know how my family feels about you… we will miss you when we go to the Speakeasy or seeing you and Toni at Mexican… Thank you for everything is just not enough… We love you! Have a shot with Tom!
Hannah Taylor says
Mr. Chris was the best boss i have ever worked for. Usually he didn’t hire anyone under the age of 18 but he did and i worked there throughout high school and college. He was always so uplifting and encouraging. I won’t forget the time we went to New York for Christmas and he wrote out 3 pages on what we should do and where to eat. He was an amazing boss, and all around person! He will definitely be missed. ❤️
Sue Halley says
Words can not express the gratitude I have for you Chris for being such a positive force in our son Ian’s life. You have been such a powerful force for the Columbus area for so many years. Toni – my heart just simply breaks for you my friend. We go back many years and the love you and Chris shared was to be so admired. I know what a void you have now in your life and I am so very very sorry. God decided it was time for Chris to join him in Heaven and he now is your forever angel to watch over you. Please know Toni if you ever need me, I am but a call away. I pray peace for the Losonsky family and for the Part IV family. Rest in peace Chris.
Lindzee Jones says
I will miss walking into Speakeasy yelling “Hey Bossman” and Chris with his sideways grin, dropping his head and shaking it. I joined the Part IV team in 1999 hired by Toni at 12th St Deli and worked the until 2018. Over the years Chris and Toni were always there for me and my girls. You are missed Bossman!! Thank you just isn’t enough. Rest easy..see you in the other side❤🙏
Lindzee Jones says
I will miss walking into Speakeasy yelling “Hey Bossman” and Chris with his sideways grin, dropping his head and shaking it. I joined the Part IV team in 1999 hired by Toni at 12th St Deli and worked there until 2018. Over the years Chris and Toni were always there for me and my girls. You are missed Bossman!! Thank you just isn’t enough. Rest easy..see you in the other side❤🙏
Ray says
You will be dearly missed at the “Speak.” We will bring in the plants before the frost, feed the birds and have a shot. All while thinking of you. See you around Mr. Chris.
Renee Toland says
I became part of the Speakeasy family fresh out of high school. Mr Chris was a crucial part of my life for so long and while I haven’t seen him in a long time, I have so much love for him and Toni. My heart bleeds for his family. This is truly a great loss for the world. I know your wings are beautiful and I hope you are having a wonderful time with Mr and Mrs L. We love you Mr Chris. Rest easy sweet man.
Jack Goldfrank says
Chris has enriched my life ever since we moved to Columbus in 1994. Chris has been my running, biking, walking and work out partner for all of that time and he has done a great job of balancing my left leaning tendency. He and Toni are the true definition of “the salt of the earth.” Chris loved Toni with a passion and deeply cared about all of his numerous friends and co-workers. When I was incapacitated, Chris was one of the first people to reach out to me. There was nothing that Chris would not do for his friends. Unfortunately, we are in DC and we will not be able to attend the celebration of his life on Sunday. Chris, you leave a huge void.
Love, Jack
Chris Peebles says
Virginia and I have enjoyed Chris and his hospitality for many many years. A remembrance that popped into my mind today involved the 96? Olympics as Chris carried the flag leading the parade down Second Avenue. I believe I still have that video!
Chris Peebles
June Weeks Hill says
Toni, I was so saddened to hear about Chris. How Blessed the two of you were to have such a long lasting love and life together. I have never forgotten the friendship we shared in High School, nor the good times we shared. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Brenda Danko says
There are no words to express my sorrow for this loss. I will never forget our good times and friendship. Sending prayers to Toni and the entire family. You touched so many in your life, in the best way. Rest in Peace, Chris.
Mike Daniel says
It was a pleasure to know you Chris. I cut the grass at his home and I serviced the property at the Speakeasy for several years. I became very close to Chris and to Toni. We shared a love of plants and Chris gave me several of his personal plants because he knew I would love them as much as he did. He was a wonderful man and he will be greatly missed. Thank you for the memories.
Jean Harron says
Loved going into Chris restaurants. He purchased advertising from me on WRCG the Rush Lembaugh Show. He was so kind and easy to work with and will be missed greatly.
My condolences to his family.
Latina aka Tina Black says
I’m so sorry I love every Losonsky Toni and Chris was very good to me I my Miss Toni I worked for Toni and Chris for six years at Twelfth Street Deli & Catering for six years and I remember Frank and Mrs Losonsky coming after the renovations and looking at everything and there wasn’t a day that went by went Frank and then you saw Chris he loved his Toni and then he would shoot upstairs where his office was for years. I remember Miss Pat Revis bless her soul she was good woman and Miss Pat Sikking and Toni was so good to me. This family is an amazing family who made their employees feel like family and if I could do it over I would do it again. I was sixteen when I started many moons ago. I’m so very sorry Miss Toni I wish I lived still in Columbus if I new when it happened I would of came. I hope your well and I love you . Fly high Bossman Rest in Peace Chris God bless you.
Joseph and Paula Peeden says
We are so sorry for your loss. Chris was a fine man. He was his father’s son. This is a significant loss to our AVG Flying Tigers family.
Michelle Clouthier says
I am so sorry for your loss. Chris will be greatly missed at the Flying Tiger Reunions and by his AVG family.
Lydia Rossi says
I’m so sorry we have lost such a fine person. He is a credit to his family, friends and the American Volunteer Group Flying Tigers. Rest with God my friend. Lydia Rossi.
Lydia Rossi says
I’m so sorry we have lost such a fine person. He is a credit to his family, friends and the American Volunteer Group Flying Tigers. Rest with God my friend.