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With his family by his side, Marshall Eric Rice, 63, of Duluth, Georgia, passed to his eternal reward on November 25th, 2022.
Eric was born March 15, 1959, in Denison, TX to Paul and Melba Rice. He graduated from Denison High School in 1977 and completed a Broadcast Journalism degree from Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, OK in 1981. While at ORU, Eric met his future wife, Lisa Hultquist. Eric and Lisa married in Atlanta and settled in Duluth, welcoming two daughters and a son.
Eric’s career led him into all aspects of commercial advertising, including videos, writing, producing, and directing. His creative work yielded several Gold and Silver Awards for screenplays and short films at various film festivals, and with his buddy, Jeff Feldhahn, Eric co-authored a book called For Young Men Only, which won Christian Book of the Year. He also wrote his own childhood memoirs, called The Boys of Waterloo.
Eric is survived by his wife, Lisa (Hultquist) Rice; daughter Sarah (Rice) Lewis, and husband Philip; daughter Hannah Rice; son Brandon Rice; brothers Mark Rice (Saledo, TX), Randy Rice (Denison, TX), and sister, Paula Rice-Carlson (Arlington, TX). He is predeceased by parents Paul and Melba Rice; and father-in-law Glen Hultquist.
The Rice home was known for its “Safety Third” adventuresome ways, its open door for kids of all ages, and church home group dinners. Eric will always be known for his sense of humor and his love for his family and the Lord. His motto in life was, “I can sleep when I’m dead.” His family doubts he’s getting any sleep as he celebrates with loved ones in the glorious new chapter called Heaven.
In accordance with Eric’s wishes, the Rice children, two of whom are pilots, will be broadcasting Eric’s ashes, mid-flight, over the mountains of North Georgia in a private ceremony this week. The Rice’s invite all to post memories and well wishes on the Georgia Cremation website.
Whitley says
Eric Rice was truly a walk the talk person, radiating the love of Christ through his exemplary love for family and friends. He was so kind, positive, and caring, displaying joy in his eyes, smile, and actions.
Rhae Buckley says
Eric’s playfulness and humor while we were at ORU was uplifting for all.
Cynthia Milner says
Eric was “the uncle” who created fun for each of the nieces and Nephews… he was a wonderful Brother-in-law… more like a real brother… we trusted him and loved him with every part of our souls… I will always know him as our sweet brother.
Susan Jones says
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Praise the Lord for a life well lived. Now he is at peace and rejoicing with Jesus in Heaven. You will be reunited one day.
Larry Haron says
I was honored to be Eric’s hospice chaplain. Actually, I think I requested it when I learned who he was. We consistently connected in three ways: music, Scripture and prayer (and early on, Texas). Alzheimer’s certainly robbed him of much. But not his ‘core’. When I’d play and sing, he’d immediately tap his foot, pat his hand on his knee, look straight ahead with that focused expression, often attempting to mouth the lyrics. When I read Scripture to him, again, there was that focus in his eyes, taking the Word in and often with raised eyebrows punctuate the verses with, “That’s good, that’s good.” or “Amen”. When I said, “Eric, let’s pray.” he always extended his hand, we joined hands and he clearly prayed while I prayed, ‘Amen-ing’ after I said amen.
Psalm 42: 6a, 7 ‘My soul is downcast within me; therefore I will remember you [God]… Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.’ Nobody really understands what ‘deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls.’ means. But every time we were together, the ‘roar’ of Alzheimers in Eric’s head could not hamper ‘deep’ (the Holy Spirit) ‘calling to deep’ (Eric’s solid rock foundation of faith). As long as Eric could utter a word, I witnessed this time and again. Alzheimers could not own him, because Jesus does. I was humbled and blessed to see this transformative power in Eric’s life.
My love and prayers are with Eric’s wonderful family.
Caroline says
Be strong and be joyous for He is with our heavenly Father.
Don and Linda Crews says
What a great picture of Eric! He had the most kind and gentle eyes to match his heart. BUT … see that twinkle in his eye? Just a nod to his mischievous, slightly twisted humorous side. He enjoyed laughing as your funny stories or jokes as he much as he enjoyed watching you laugh at his.
I remember praying for him and with him at times when he was not quite able to fully verbalize his prayers, and he would speak the name of Jesus over and over. And he would say “He is so sweet“, again and again.
Together, Lisa and Eric raised some adventurous, creative adult children who have learned from mom and dad how to care for people outside their nuclear family. He was so proud of all three of you kids.
You always hear that with Alzheimer’s no matter how kind the person, toward the end they become belligerent and difficult, but Eric was sweet, kind, and pretty much cooperative even in the end.
It was such a joy knowing Eric. We will always remember our trips with you and Eric with great fondness as we had eager conversations about the Holy Spirit, soaking up everything we could learn. Always a delight to see Eric. He will be missed for a brief time and then soon and very soon, we will be joining him with that great cloud of witnesses for the rest of eternity.
Matthew 25:21
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
Barry Smith says
Eric and I go as far back as 3rd grade. One of the most consistent men of integrity I’ve known. Kind, funny, creative, and loved his family and the Lord. The coolest friend.
Mike McCracken says
What an incredible man! You can best judge a man from the fruits of his character. For Eric, he was at the front of the class in integrity, and someone you could count on to keep his eyes on the high road through all of life’s encounters. Not only was he a successful businessman, an entrepreneur, (no small feat doing this successfully for a lifetime), but he was always focused on how he could best serve the Lord and help everyone he touched in an emotional way leaving them better to encounter their own life’s journey.
Noone can compete with a heart and aspirations for a servant life of leadership like Eric’s, rather, we should just hope that our endeavors and actions can lead ua closer to where Eric was already heading, and perhaps, often was already there waiting for us to join him. That is the way I want to remember Eric personally, as one of my dearest friends for many years, helping me through some very challenged times with his listening and frank loving convictions. He was an inspiration to the purpose for which we are all placed here on this earth. May we all gain that wisdom that will help us set ourselves apart for our Creator. For Eric, it is most certainly a Welcome Home from the Lord! Goodbye my friend … until we meet again!
Scott & Julie Fidler says
Lisa and family, I am so very sorry for your loss. Praying that your memories will be flooded with images of better days and that you fully experience God’s grace and peace.
Amber Zoucha says
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. 🙏
David Riddle says
Eric and I go back to Hyde Park Elementary in Denison TX. In classes we shared together he usually sat in front of me. The last time I saw Eric he invited me to come over to see a project he was working on—a commercial for Subaru! To this day when I see a Subaru, I think of Eric. Lord, I thank You that Eric crossed my path! AMEN!
Terry Sikes says
I was so sad to hear this. Eric was such a great friend all through high school. I told another of our friends once that I thought Eric was about the best person I knew. He had such a great sense of humor, was often very funny, was fun, yet you always knew he was a Christian. I have no doubts he has gone on to Glory and he’ll be one of the first people I look for in the resurrection.
Charles Rice says
Charles Rice
Eric was my cousin. He was born just before I graduated from high school. I knew him as a young child but I saw only a few times as an adult. I wish I could have known him better as an adult. I am sorry to hear of his ending of life here on earth, but look forward to seeing him when I join him in heaven in the not too distant future.
Barry Thiessen says
What a friend, so many memories!
I met Eric in 1977, in my first day or two at ORU. He was next door down the hall in the dorm. We had so much fun our freshman year that we quickly agreed to become roommates the next year. That lasted 3 years! We enjoyed multiple cross country road trips (including Alabama and Manitoba) helped each other with college productions and generally had as much fun as possible while still staying the course to Graduate on time!
A few years later, in 1987, he called me in Virginia from Georgia to ask if for some help with a bigger project. I guess we complimented each other well, as that became the start of 12 years of a business together! Eric and Lisa welcomed us to Georgia, shared friends, and we ultimately enjoy vacations together and attended all of each other’s children’s birthday parties! I would say most of that time, we were like brothers, and some people thought we actually were!
What a pleasure to have a business partner that was a friend and loved the Lord, prioritized, family and church, and was super creative in business!
Eric had a way of making things fun, while still setting a vision and being willing to work hard toward it!
I am better for having spent all that time with him and I’m thankful for that time.
Jeff Feldhahn says
I love Eric Rice. I use the present tense because I know that he is more fully alive now than he ever was in his earthly body. Twenty plus years of watching him love his family, love others and love Jesus set a high standard for me and others to try and emulate. As many have said here, Eric was kind, creative, faithful and fun loving. He was also someone who took the time to understand your struggles and then support you in them.
For me, one such occasion was during a difficult time in my life. My hope for the future was at a low point. Eric met with me countless times over coffee and graciously listened to my fears. One day he sent me the following:
In future years, on the anniversary of this time, you will roll up your sleeves and show untested men your scars, and they will beg to be told of your great battles, and victories, to somehow understand how you endured…and to hope they will have a small dose of your courage when their time comes.
I have read that sentence many, many times over the years.
I know that I’m not alone as one who was encouraged by Eric to keep trusting in God’s faithfulness. For many, he regularly offered up his time and any resources he had. He did this generously and without any sense of score-keeping. He simply was what scripture encourages all of us to be–but we so rarely manage to attain–a follower of Jesus who looks like what a follower of Jesus should look like.
I know that the past 10 years were difficult for Eric as mind and body failed to work as designed, yet he never surrendered his faith in God’s goodness or plan. I can only pray that when my time comes to face life’s hardest challenges, that I will have a small dose of his courage.
I am eager to see you again my friend.
Don Patton says
I moved here in 1990 from Charlotte, NC and Eric was the one person that began to pull me into fellowship. I was working at an ad agency downtown and we needed a Director and producer to pull together some TV spots for us for a banking client. Eric and I started talking over lunch and came to learn that we were both Christians. It didn’t take long. Sharing his faith was not second nature to Eric, it was first. Like breathing. I remember ERIC witnessing to a coworker of mine as I was lowering my head thinking, “I should’ve done that.“ I love Eric and I look forward to seeing him again someday in a glorified body. He always had a certain purity to him. You could always tell there was a line he would never ever Cross in his life. Compromises he would never make. I feel life is a bit diminished without him. The world slightly dimmer without him.
Michael Gordon Carnes says
Oh the many stories. What ever i say won’t do justice to my dear friend and brother. We met as Freshman at ORU in 1977. He was the goof going around campus as a mime. We found out we were both Telecom majors and spent many hours together in the studio. Here i got to know Lisa as well, the two of them two peas in a pod. One logical and level headed and one where there was no boundries. Guess which one was which. Eric was one of those special friends that was in my core. We wouldnt talk for sometimes years but he was always there and walked with me through some dark and hard times in my life. He was a true friend and hero in my life. I saw him raise his family and he did it well, just look at his kids. He too had some bumps in life but knew God and knew how to trust God in all things. Eric will be missed but his legacy will live on as he touched the lives of so many people. There is no doubt that upon reaching Heaven God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit were waiting for him with open arms saying, “Well done, Very well done my good and faithful servant “. See you again when I get there my brother.
The Webb Family says
Dearest Lisa Our family is holding you and your family close to our hearts at this time. You have been there for us when we had great need. We want to be there for you and yours. If there is anything you need please reach out, Night or Day.
You are one of the strongest and most beautiful women we know. Eric deserved all the love you and the family gave him. God blessed you with a strong family. Nothing more was needed to exemplify Christ to the world.
Albert Shashoua says
One of my uniquely singular wonderful jovial creative kind helpful and much loved friendships with Eric is alive as ever in my heart and permanently a part of my life.. to me the picture of Eric used here is the Eric I have in my mind and one of my lifes few close friendships..
My friendship for 20+ years was enriched with his enthusiasm and quick mind whenever we met always a time I looked forward to.. his positive outlook towards everything was a blessing to all he was engaged with.
I still get a heartfelt chuckle at the ‘chocolate’chip cookies.. !! Eric excitedly wanted me to try.. Eric will be missed by me..
Laura &Don Nash says
“Weep but briefly, for your loved one as he enters into the kingdom of God. For he possesses a joy and peace that is unobtainable on God’s earthly realm. Rather rejoice in his everlasting and total happiness, for his eyes have seen God”
Lee, Lisa and the Hulquist/Rice family our hearts are heavy for you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all, praying that GOD will comfort and sustain you in the days and time ahead. May He bless and fulfill your every need. Love and prayers.
Chris Herod says
Eric Rice was my mentor and the reason why I am in the business I am in today. He was a great example of how to have passion for your work, how to be a great husband and father, and how to be a Godly example of Christ hands and feet on this earth. God bless you Eric! I rejoice that you are now in Gods presence, and saddened for all of those still here who will miss you.
Lisa Rice says
Oh, how I will miss you, my love!