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Stephen Derreck Knight, 37, of Peachtree City, Ga passed away October 18, 2023, after a courageous battle with cancer. Stephen was born May 8, 1986, in Wiesbaden, Germany to Kelly and Heike Knight. He grew up in Warner Robins, Ga alongside his parents and brother, David.
Stephen attended Windsor Academy and Houston County High School, where he obtained his high school diploma. He moved from Warner Robbins to Peachtree City, where he worked jobs in restaurant management and was most currently employed with Hero Roofing as a job site superintendent.
Thanks to a very good friend, Stephen met his wife-to-be while enjoying a meal at Waffle House. In 2009 Stephen married the love of his life and the couple had two adorable children, Missy and Brenden, who were his entire world.
Stephen enjoyed gaming and sports, especially basketball and the fabulous Lebron James! He was also a lover of all things Anime. But in his spare time, you could find Stephen camping and grilling with his family or enjoying family gaming nights!
He was a wonderful husband, an amazing father, and a son who made his parents proud. Stephen was a friend to everyone he met and strived to make everyone around him laugh. He truly was a great human being with a very loving heart and kind soul. Stephen loved his family immensely and enjoyed spending his spare time surrounded by them, living their best lives. The love his family and friends have for him will keep his memory alive in their hearts, forever more.
Stephen was preceded in death by his Oma Vera and Tante Sabine of Germany, Grandma Sam of TX, and Grandpa Jim of KY. He is survived by his wife: Rhonda; his children: Brenden and Melissa: his parents: Kelly and Heike Knight of PTC; brother: David Knight (Bridget) of PTC; in-laws: Stephanie, Taylor, and Rachel of SC: nieces and nephews: Jayce and Sydney of PTC, and Destiny and Kyle of SC, and his fur babies: Diesel and Mal.
The Knight family would like to say a special thank you to Hero Roofing, Big Daddy’s Oyster Bar, Delta Air Lines, and countless family and friends for their financial support, food, prayers, and comforting words during this most difficult time.
Stephen’s daughter Missy will always remember his laughter and his son Brenden will carry with him Stephen’s smile and his love for anime. His parents will always remember him for his dedication to his family. He worked hard every day to provide for his wife and kids and he loved to bring special treats for each of them to see them smile. Stephen’s brother David will remember him as his big brother who was always there for him when he needed him. When David was a kid and was scared of anything, all he needed was his big brother to give him the courage he needed. He always looked up to Stephen and wanted to be just like him. Stephen’s sister-in-law Bridget says he was an amazing person with a giant heart, who could walk into a room and become friends with everyone in there. Everyone who ever had the pleasure of meeting Stephen loved him and he loved his friends and family with every ounce of his soul!
A memorial service for Stephen will be held on at 1:00 PM on Saturday October 28, 2023, at New Beginnings Baptist Church, 973 Standing Rock Road, Senoia, Ga 30276.
Messages of condolence may be left at The Knight family is being assisted by Georgia Cremation, 1086 Hwy 54 W, Fayetteville.
Shaunna says
Heike (Mom) says
Stephen, our Son, our love, our happiness,
From the day you were born you made our life better and happier and gave it meaning. A view years later we completed our happy family when your brother David was born. No words can be found for the sorrow we are carrying today in our hearts, a place where you will be now going forward until we are united again.
We will cherish the memories that will help us through this time. We carry a pride in our hearts for what you achieved in the few years that were giving to you. Many people, with the privilege to grow old and gray, did not have the happiness and love that you have found and given in your lifetime. You had parents in us that loved you more then life, you made us so proud. You found a wonderful wife in Rhonda, the love of your life, who adores you and stayed by your side until you took your last breath. You live on in your amazing children, they are our hope and looking at them we see you and experience the happiness again from the early years of your life. With all our love, Mom and Dad.
Andrew says
Stephen, you were a light that never went out. No matter how you felt you always knew how to have a good time and make sure everyone around you also had a good time. You will be truly missed by everyone whose life you entered.
Rhonda Knight (wife) says
My love, tomorrow is fast approaching, and it all seems so real. I know you are proud, watching how strong our kids have been. Brenden got a haircut today, and he hated not having you there. But you would have been so proud. Melissa is still trying to take care of me. She’s got your heart and he has your smile. The many words that come to my mind to say to you, are hard for me to put down. You know me, I always have something to say, so it says much that I’m at a loss. I have loved you always and nothing will be the same without you. Someday we will be together again and I can be truly happy again. Thank you for loving me in so many ways, that make me know no one could compare. I love you and I miss you. Until we meet again, my love.
Carol Coniglio says
Highland Bakery is where I met you and your wife…and eventually your kids. You were always smiling..and were always awesome with the customers…and awesome with your co workers… you always gave me a reason to smile ..thank you Stephen. To your family…I am so so sorry for your loss of such a great man. I have a feeling God gave you some of the biggest wings. To you and Rhonda’s kids.. remember you will carry him in your heart forever,..and I have no doubt you will make him so proud.. The pain of loosing you will never get easier for any of us… But your spirit will live on .. You are gone ..but you will never be forgotten. Tell we meet again “brother” fly high my high.
“Your wings were ready but we were not”
Much love to you all
Fam. Andreas Schmidl says
Es ist sehr traurig und auch nicht zu verstehen einen so wertvollen Menschen zu verlieren. Es ist eine unendlich schwere Zeit für alle, die Stephan kennen und im Herzen tragen.
In den schweren Stunden wünschen wir, Sigrun, Andreas, Paul, Pia und Ursula allen viel Kraft und möge Stephan in unseren Herzen ewig weiterleben.
Marion says
tief betroffen und fassungslos habe ich die Nachricht vom Tod eures Sohnes Stephen aufgenommen. Mir ist klar, dass eich Zeilen der Anteilnahme im Moment nicht über den schweren Verlust hinweghelfen. Ihr werdet viel Zeit und Kraft brauchen, dass Unfassbare zu verarbeiten.
Timothy Moffett says
Your always in my heart brother. You all became my family. Love Tiny
Tante Traudel says
Und wir dachten, wir haben noch ewig Zeit.
Liebe Trauerfamilie, liebe Heike, lieber Kelly,
auch wenn wir viele tausend Meilen voneinander getrennt wohnen, hat uns die Nachricht vom Tod von Stephen zutiefst getroffen . Wir trauern mit Euch und möchten unser tiefstes Beileid aussprechen.
Es ist nicht zu verstehen, wie viele Schicksalsschläge eine Familie hin nehmen muss. Der Weg, den Ihr jetzt gehen müsst, wird kein leichter sein. Wir sind im Gedanken bei Euch und wünschen Euch Kraft und Zuversicht für ein Leben danach.
Im stillen Gedenken
Tante Traudel aus Nieschütz
Ramona, Andreas und Annett mit Familien
Ramona und Ronald says
Tief erschüttert haben wir vom Tod eures geliebten Stephen erfahren. Wir sind noch immer fassungslos. Es ist schwer die richtigen Worte zu finden, denn die Welt hat einen wunderbaren hoffnungsvollen Menschen verloren. Unsere Gedanken sind bei euch und wir möchten unsere aufrichtige Anteilnahme bekunden. Wir sind dankbar, dass wir stets durch schöne Bilder und Fotos am Lebensweg von Stephen und seiner Familie teilhaben durften. In lieber Erinnerung und mit einem kleinen Schmunzeln denken wir zurück, als Doreen und Stephen im März 1990 die Goldfische von Familie Sauer in Ebersheim sehr interessant fanden. Das Baden in einer alten Zinkbadewanne im Garten in Nieschütz bereitete auch allen Kindern großen Spaß. Mögen euch die vielen schönen Erinnerungen an die gemeinsame Zeit Kraft und Hoffnung geben. Wir trauern mit euch und lasst euch ganz fest umarmt sein.
Mit stillem Gruß Ramona und Ronald und Familie
Beate österreicher says
Hallo heike und familie ,das tut uns auch sehr weh auch wenn wir uns nicht so viel gesehehen haben ,habt viel viel kraft und denke auch zürück immer an die schönen Zeiten ganz liebe Grüße und wir sind in Gedanken auch bei Euch Beate und Harry